Meet the three bears

We never know when we'll get a call about a bear who urgently needs help, but when we do, it's only because of your loyal support and generosity that we can drop everything and rush to their side.

Recently, we've welcomed three more abused bears to the Animals Asia family. Meet the new arrivals and read their stories…

Bao Lam


Bao Lam's tragic past will break your heart. Stolen from the wild as a cub, she was caged for almost a decade. Purchased along with ten other moon bear cubs for a circus attraction, the owner wanted them to be a dance act, but when plans changed they were locked up in appalling conditions and left to die. Bao Lam is the only survivor.

When our emergency rescue team reached her she could hardly walk and she was suffering with a host of health problems. But within a few hours of her rescue, she'd already enjoyed her very first taste of juicy watermelon and was on her way home.



This little sun bear is a victim of the devastating wildlife trafficking trade. Stolen from the wild and crammed into a cage as a tiny cub weighing just 1kg, she is now seven years old. Annemarie lived in this tiny, dark cage for her whole life, never even feeling the sunlight on her back. While most trafficked bears end up in bile farms, some are sold into the illegal pet trade like poor Annemarie.

This is just the beginning of her journey, she has weeks and months of veterinary care, surgery and rehabilitation ahead of her. But thanks to you, she is safe and for the first time in her life surrounded by people who love her.



This little sun bear has had a very lonely life so far. At nine years old, he's lived in a barren, desolate cage, since he was just a tiny cub. He was so insignificant, that he didn't even have a name. The simple act of naming him marked the start of his wonderful new life.

He needs extensive dental work and he has weeks and months of veterinary care and rehabilitation ahead of him. But thanks to you, he will soon have the happy and healthy life that our other rescued bears enjoy.

Our work doesn't end when a bear is rescued. That's when it begins.

These bears will require extensive veterinary care and rehabilitation. When we rescue a bear we make a commitment that they will have a safe and loving home for life. Will you send a gift to help support our work to save, rehabilitate and provide forever homes for abused bears?
