Jill looks back on an incredible year for Animals Asia
23 December 2021, 10:53AM
Kindness and You...
As we look to the end of another remarkable year I want to thank you for the happiness you've given to so many animals, and for the pride you've given to this organisation. It seems that there is nothing we can’t do, and these past 12 months have shown the miracles that can be made when everyone comes together as one.
Just the sight of shiny, happy bears like sweet Barack makes our hearts explode! Still today his poorly knee refuses to bend and his tongue doesn't behave quite as it should, but his calm contentment and his joy of new-found buddies sees him almost impervious to his ills, and reinforces again how the care towards him and his homecoming friends reflects the true meaning of kindness, over and over and over again.
How ashamed I am to say that until this year I had never heard an elephant squeak with joy! The shame is on our species where our exploitation of these magnificent creatures has led us to ignore their version of laughter, which we know so well ourselves makes our world go round.
One brave elephant, dear Kham Phanh, has shown how their lives should and could be led and must surely cause us to reflect how much better we can do, and how much kinder we can be.
The removal of dogs (and by default cats) from the official Livestock List of China has seen more authorities carrying out the letter of the law. Restaurants are increasingly shut or forced to stop selling these animals for food, and our Cat and Dog Welfare team now estimates that close to a million animals have been saved, and many millions to come, as the now illegal trade is pushed back and retreats.
2022 will be another big and challenging year as these programs continue and as we look forward to delivering our most ambitious goal of ending bear bile farming forever in Vietnam. Standing together with an enthusiastic government and together with your faith and help, we are ready to break ground on our newest sanctuary and finally help the last bears of the industry from cages to contentment, and never-ending care.
This is the time of year when we give thanks for the good of humanity and we can never thank you enough for your kindness that sees even more suffering behind us, and more contented happy lives ahead. For every animal given a choice, freedom from pain and a full tummy, our gratitude always, as 2022 sees our promise to you of doing so much more.
My gratitude too to our remarkable staff and volunteers across the globe who all keep the flames of progress alive. Their passion and determination to help one more life and one more after that is relentless and I thank the universe for their tenacity and resolve.
So, as we wave farewell to 2021, your family, Animals Asia, wishes you the happiest and healthiest festive time as we look to the New Year with shivers of excitement knowing that, together, with kindness in action, we will celebrate more successful outcomes and truly happier lives for the animals we love.
Thank you so gratefully, with bear hugs, blessings and love, Jill.
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