Wildlife photographer Peter Yuen has repeatedly donated his time and expertise to Animals Asia over the past couple of years. No photographer knows our work better than Peter, making him uniquely placed to introduce our work. Here he presents his five favourite Animals Asia shots.
Shamrock, Jan 2013
Shamrock was the first bear we saw during the 2013 New Year Rescue, and this photo really helped to portray the suffering she had been through. It's hard to understand how these bears must feel, especially if you haven't met them in person, so I hope that this can help people realise how important Animals Asia's work is.
Manuka, Jan 2014
Of all the New Year Rescue bears that I saw during my anniversary follow-up, Manuka was in another league. No hesitation in jumping into her new life, she was already ruling the roost of house 3, and this shot of her playing in front of her waterfall is my favourite. If anyone had any doubt as to the worth of rescuing these animals, or whether they understand what has happened to them, just introduce them to Manuka.
Asia, June 2011
I was sad to hear that Asia had passed away, she was a very special bear. She received extra love and attention because despite her on-going skin conditions she was a beautiful bear with perfect teddy bear ears. That special care for special cases like Asia is the reason I love working with charities.
Nick, June 2011
I saw Nick just before his afternoon enrichment, and was told he was blind. It was amazing to see how well he moved around his habitat, still finding all the food that had been scattered around just using his sense of smell. It was even more heart-warming that his carers made it just a tiny bit easier to find his treats than the other bears.
Wang Cai, Jan 2014
Wang Cai is such a wonderfully ridiculous bear it's no wonder everyone loves him to bits. Not content with being rescued, he just refused to be kept grounded and kept reaching for the sky! Always climbing up the trees and posing for the camera, he modelled for this shot like a pro. You can feel how wild and mysterious the bears can be, so this unusual photo is a really special shot for me.