14 July 2017

PICS: After life on a bile farm, rescued bears enjoy the sun with their first new friend

See moon bears Bazan and Wendles, recently rescued from a Vietnamese bear bile farm, enjoy the outdoors with new friend Rae.


13 July 2017

A bear bile farm has finally taken Sophie’s sight – but not her life

Forever in the dark but with the sun on their backs – the rescued bears who have lost their sight to bile farms still enjoy a high quality of life.


10 July 2017

VIDEO: Recently rescued bear settling in to new lives at Vietnam sanctuary

The bears – recently rescued from at least a decade of agony on a bear bile farm – are settling in well according to their new carers.


10 July 2017

TAKE ACTION: Indonesian animals are in desperate need – but YOUR click can help

Thousands of animals in Indonesian zoos are suffering unsuitable conditions or are forced to perform for tourists – your vote can mean this cruelty is kept in the spotlight.


07 July 2017

10 years, 186 bears saved: celebrating a decade of bear rescues in Vietnam

Animals Asia’s Vietnam sanctuary is 10 years old – as part of celebrations all donations to our sanctuaries appeal will be doubled until 15 July.


06 July 2017

Can Vietnam take a lead in ending bull and buffalo fighting?

Vietnam’s media is openly debating banning a buffalo fighting festival after a human death at this year’s qualifying rounds.


04 July 2017

Major Chinese online retailer removes over 130 dog meat products

Taobao – China’s equivalent of Ebay – has scrubbed more than 130 dog meat products from their site after being contacted by Animals Asia.


26 June 2017

LIVE: Follow the #9Lives rescue

Nine bears have been rescued from a bile farm in the south of Vietnam - follow their 1,500km journey home here.