Amazon Smile: here’s how you can help end animal cruelty – absolutely free!
When you buy on Amazon, you can now automatically give a donation to Animals Asia at no extra cost to yourself. Here’s how...
When you buy on Amazon, you can now automatically give a donation to Animals Asia at no extra cost to yourself. Here’s how...
Moon bear Ginny was rescued from bile farm hell nearly two decades ago, and constant care means she is still fighting fit into old age.
A new programme is training Vietnamese vets in small animal health care to boost welfare and foster respect for our furry friends.
The world’s biggest travel site maintains a proven increase in wild animal selfies isn’t its responsibility, but vows to expand animal welfare policy.
They are often seen as creepy and widely feared yet spiders are an essential part of the natural world and may even have a sound understanding of their own place in it.
Humans have been getting it wrong for centuries, but research and education is leading to new laws finally recognising the sentience of non-human animals.
These incredible women have used determination, leadership, expertise, experience and love to change the world for hundreds of bears suffering extreme cruelty.
Super-supporter from the UK is just a few weeks into a 90-day journey that will take her the entire length of Britain – all for animals in need.