21 September 2018

Mud baths and feathered friends: Rhinos love their solitary lives but for how much longer?

Half a million rhinos are believed to have roamed the earth at the beginning of the 20th century, today they cling on only in protected areas.


20 September 2018

20th Anniversary: 20 amazing numbers to describe 20 incredible years of helping animals

Over the last two decades, Animals Asia has spent every single day working to help animals in need – what we’ve achieved together is amazing.


18 September 2018

Indonesia’s last land-animal circus announces end of their cruel travelling shows

Oriental Circus publicly announce they will stop using animals in their travelling circus, raising hopes a government ban may be imminent.


17 September 2018

Rescuers where shocked to find bear’s tongue torn out – one year on they are amazed at his appetite for life

Moon bear Jeffrey lost part of his tongue on a bear bile farm, but since being rescued, he spends days foraging and he couldn’t be happier.


15 September 2018

Red Pandas: The amazing animal absolutely dependent on a small, fragile ecosystem at risk from human development

Playful, cute, social and absolutely unique, the red panda is a marvel of the natural world, but we risk losing them before we even realise they are there.


13 September 2018

Joining the Dog Meat Free Indonesia coalition: Now is the time to hold the government to their promise for a total ban

After two decades of fighting the dog and cat meat trades in China and Vietnam, Animals Asia has joined the Dog Meat Free Indonesia coalition.


12 September 2018

Rescuing Ladybugs: Animals Asia featured in book focusing on profound human-animal interactions

New book, Rescuing Ladybugs, tells the story of how Jill Robinson’s chance meeting with a moon bear on a bear bile farm sparked a global movement. Read the full story.


11 September 2018

#FiveLives: Pain ends and new hopes emerge for five bears rescued from bile farm cruelty

Just a week after being rescued from a bear bile farm in Vietnam, all five bears have received health care allowing beautiful personalities to emerge.