20 November 2019

Bear care and vet team at VBRC compete in the Bear-lympics 2019!

Looking after the 185 bears at the Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre is a big job that requires a lot of care, energy and love. It’s also a lot of fun, no more so than on the day of the Bear-lympics, a team-building day where the bear and vet team played games, tried out new toys and enrichment activities for the bears and had lots of fun in the process!


14 November 2019

Dental specialist visits VBRC to treat resident bears

Two weeks ago the bears at the Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre (VBRC) received a visit from Veterinary Dental Specialist Dr Cedric Tutt. 12 bears had dental health checks over four days; a mammoth task as usually only around a dozen bears would be seen for health checks in a whole month!


13 November 2019

Vietnam drawing competition draws attention to bloody animal festivals

On the 28th of October, an awards ceremony was held at the Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre. The prizes were for a drawing competition to raise awareness about animal welfare and cruel animal festivals. There were lots of great entries and picking the winners was a challenging task for the judges.


31 October 2019

Halloween hijinks hit our Vietnam and China Bear Rescue Centres!

Bear enrichment doesn’t come much spookier than this.


30 October 2019

Today is the fourth anniversary of Hercules John’s rescue and with it the end of bear bile farming in Quang Ninh province in Vietnam

Four years ago today bear bile farming ended in Quang Ninh, Vietnam. The rescue of Hercules John marked the end of a series of rescues carried out over six months, with a total of 33 bears rescued. Quang Ninh had previously been a hotspot for bile farming as well as welcoming domestic and international tourists to its farms.