02 June 2014

Nanning Diaries Live: The Vet Team Arrive

Follow Animals Asia’s vet team updates as they transform the lives of seven moon bears at Nanning Bear Farm. Animals Asia is converting this former bear bile farm into a sanctuary.


31 May 2014

Vet team set to transform lives of in-pain bears

Animals Asia’s vet team are set to transform the lives of seven moon bears as they head to Nanning Bear Farm to start a series of intensive health checks and operations.


30 May 2014

Inside Nanning: cages of shame, cells of solitude

The facilities at Nanning Bear Farm – which Animals Asia is transforming into a bear rescue centre - quite simply aren’t fit for purpose. We take you inside Nanning to see the reality of life for the sanctuary residents.


29 May 2014

Changes: peace by piece and drop by drop

Nanning Diaries takes you inside a bear farm that will become a sanctuary. The entire transition will take two years and we’ll keep you up to date every step of the way.


29 May 2014

The Philanthropic Shopper

Help Animals Asia as you shop! Find out all about we-care.com, a shopping site which donates an amount from all purchases to charities! Animals Asia has just signed up and our Peace by Piece campaign is now featured on the site.


29 May 2014

Rescued Ti Map smiles better

Brave Ti Map whose journey through Vietnam captured the hearts of animal lovers across the world – has cleared quarantine and his smile suggests he’s happily settled into his new moon bear bachelor pad.


27 May 2014

For all the animals that need freedom

Nanning Diaries takes you inside a bear farm that will become a sanctuary. The entire transition will take two years and we’ll keep you up to date every step of the way.


27 May 2014

#Moonbearmonday - The bear behind the mask

Who is this mild mannered but slightly destructive moon bear playing peekaboo in a hessian sack?