23 July 2014

#Moonbearmonday: Panja's enduring strength

Gorgeous moon bear Panja may look young reclining on this hammock, but she is actually one of the oldest bears at Chengdu Bear Rescue Centre and has an incredible story to tell.


18 July 2014

Billboard campaign brings awareness to millions

Billboard campaigns at China’s bustling Hangzhou Airport will bring Animals Asia’s message on bear bile farming, cruel animal performances and cat and dog welfare to a key audience.


18 July 2014

Ricky Gervais adopts Peace by Piece bear

Comedian Ricky Gervais' decision to adopt a bear from Animals Asia's Peace by Piece project has brought valuable wide-reaching coverage to the landmark move to turn a bear bile farm into a sanctuary.


17 July 2014

Vet team heartened by Ti Map health check

Ti Map, the last bile-farmed moon bear in Vietnam’s Binh Thuan province following his rescue by Animals Asia earlier in the year, has heartened vets after no significant health issues were found during his health check.


14 July 2014

#moonbearmonday: Jonah puts the past behind him

Despite a history of torture on a bear bile farm, moon bear Jonah is putting the past behind him to lead a happy live at Animals Asia's Chengdu Bear Rescue Centre.


14 July 2014

Fundraising Peace by Piece clothing range launched

Check out Float Apparel's fabulous, limited edition T-shirts, designed exclusively to support our Peace by Piece campaign. Available for one week only!


11 July 2014

Key Vietnamese celebrity backs fight against bear bile

Vietnamese wildlife campaigner Thu Minh visited Animals Asia’s Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre recently in a bid to highlight the illegality of Vietnam’s bear bile industry.


10 July 2014

A Day in the Life of the Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre

Caring for a sanctuary full of moon and sun bears is a multifaceted job that continues seven days a week, 365 days a year. Annemarie Weegenaar, Bear and Vet Team Director at Animals Asia’s Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre shares a day in the life of a bear rescue centre from a manager’s perspective.