06 August 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Bear bile replacement breakthrough in China

Hopes for an end to China’s bear bile farms have been boosted as Chinese manufacturer Kaibao Pharmaceuticals announced it has successfully synthesised a substitute for use in traditional medicine.


06 August 2015

Rescued moon bears marvel at something totally new

Following their rescue from a bile farm in Vietnam earlier this year, moon bears Coco and Yogi made a landmark step on their road to recovery as they walked outside for the first time in 15 years.


05 August 2015

Cecil the Lion: do we ever have the right to take a life?

Rarely has the death of a single animal caused as much outrage as that of Cecil the Lion. His senseless slaughter should make us discuss what right we have to take the life of any animal says Animals Asia’s Animal Welfare Director Dave Neale.


03 August 2015

Rescued moon bear defies the odds to keep gall bladder

This month, staff at Animals Asia’s Chengdu Bear Rescue Centre are all smiles, but just nine months ago it was a different story as hopes for a healthy future for moon bear Edga took a dive.


31 July 2015

Trafficked bear cub found in backpack now safe in sanctuary

A bear cub discovered being trafficked in a backpack last week arrived at Animals Asia’s Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre in the early hours of Friday morning after an urgent rescue mission.


29 July 2015

Rescued from a bile farm – now it’s Longo’s sight that’s being saved

Dedicated vets at Animals Asia are determined to prolong the sight of a rescued moon bear for as long as possible despite her slowly deteriorating vision.


27 July 2015

Bridger keeps the pool party all to himself

Moon bears get pretty hot and sticky when the sun beats down on that thick, glossy fur of theirs. And while the dens, trees and enclosure structures offer some shade, sometimes there’s only one way to cool off - a refreshing dip in the pool.


24 July 2015

How the legacy of two Swiss animal lovers is still saving moon bears

Animals Asia is indebted to the Marchig Animal Welfare Trust for its support in our work to rescue bears from the bear bile industry in China and Vietnam.