28 August 2015

Rescuers and carers say goodbye to gentle bear with a beautiful gift

Staff at Animals Asia’s Vietnam sanctuary said their farewells to moon bear Simon this week after the seriously ill bear’s condition failed to improve.


28 August 2015

Chapter 2 - the one where Jill convinced the Chinese authorities to set up a sanctuary

Every time a bear is rescued by Animals Asia we are making a commitment to caring for them for the rest of their lives.


27 August 2015

15 best rescued bear Vines that are guaranteed to make you smile

One way to catch the countless magic moments in a moon bear’s life at one of our sanctuaries is Vine, a moving image that’s worth a thousand words. Here’s our top 15 from the more than 100 currently available to view online.


26 August 2015

How art can help us imagine a cruelty free world

From Banksy to the creators of internet cat memes - the people who will shape a cruelty-free world are the people who can best imagine it. Carolyn Merino Mullin explains.


25 August 2015

Captive bears set for better care in Vietnam

The welfare of captive bears in Vietnam is set for a boost with the Advancing Bear Care 2015 workshops set to take place at Animals Asia’s Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre and Hanoi between October 29 to November 1.


24 August 2015

Moon bear Maggie is singing in the rain

After the stormy clouds have chased every bear from the place, one very happy moon bear greets the rain with a smile on her face.


21 August 2015

Chapter 1 - the one where Jill started it all

As Animals Asia celebrates its 17th anniversary this month, it’s prompted us to reflect on the battles we are fighting and the challenges still to come. We’re asking supporters to “help us write the next chapter” through our Founder’s Appeal.


20 August 2015

New documentary reveals dark secrets of dog meat trade

A documentary into the dog meat trade in South East Asia hopes to emulate the success of movies such as “Blackfish” and “The Cove” by highlighting the illegality and cruelty stretching from Bangkok to Hanoi.