30 October 2015

Last Quang Ninh bear rescue - live timeline

Animals Asia's bear rescue team is on the road once more - bringing back the last bear, from the last bear bile farm in Quang Ninh province, Vietnam. Follow it live.


30 October 2015

Final bear rescue sees bile farming ended in Vietnam province

Today bear bile farming ends in Quang Ninh, Vietnam – as animal welfare charity Animals Asia rescues the last bear in the province and closes the last bile farm.


29 October 2015

China loves moon bears – the 1,000km cycle ride to raise awareness of bear bile farming

This summer, 10 cyclists from the Shell Cycling Club at Beijing Technology University embarked on a ride to raise awareness of bear bile farming.


28 October 2015

Asia’s live markets are western slaughterhouses with glass walls

What would you do if you were confronted with a situation which could only be the work of a force which appears so evil it is impossible to comprehend?


27 October 2015

"If Quang Ninh bear bile farms can fall – then they all can"

Quang Ninh’s bear bile farmers were rich, powerful and well-connected – now they’re out of business. It’s a victory that provides a blueprint to end all bile farming in Vietnam, says Animals Asia.


26 October 2015

Murko loves a bit of attention. The problem? 201kg Bridger does too

On this fine morning, Murko is hamming it up for the camera… at his own peril. But Bridger, the largest bear at Vietnam sanctuary, doesn't like to be ignored.


23 October 2015

Animals Asia successfully rescue eight bears from bile farms in Vietnam

Eight Asiatic black bears have successfully been rescued by animal welfare charity Animals Asia from seven bile farms in Quang Ninh province, Vietnam.


21 October 2015

#MilkFlower rescue - live timeline

Eight more moon bears to be rescued from seven bile farms around Quang Ninh province over two days. Follow it live.