20 September 2019

Back to school outdoor learning about herbal alternatives to bear bile

On the morning of August 29, just one week before the new school year officially started, students at Hai Ba Trung Primary school in the middle Phung Thuong, one of Vietnam’s last remaining bear bile hotspots, got hands-on experience of the herbal alternatives to medicines traditionally derived from bears.


19 September 2019

Public pressure is building against buffalo fighting in Vietnam

The Do Son Buffalo Fighting Festival took place in Vietnam on 7th September. Our team was there to document the cruelty inflicted on these innocent creatures.


07 September 2019

Annual Do Son Buffalo Fighting Festival set to take place today

The “traditional” festival is a horribly violent and cruel spectacle of animal suffering.


03 September 2019

China vet training: 97 per cent had no concept of animal welfare

Vet training drive aims to upskill China’s vets with animal welfare basics which are currently lacking, causing pain to animals by those employed to help them.


30 August 2019

Circus trauma left moon bear cub Sugar too scared to eat, but in sanctuary life grows sweeter every day

Patience, love and expert care has given bear cub Sugar the confidence she needs to know she is safe after the horror of poaching and circus trauma.


28 August 2019

Poachers reeling as crackdown uncovers four illegal songbird shipments in a week

Nearly 2,000 birds have been rescued from smugglers in a week thanks to the work of Animals Asia’s Indonesian partner, FLIGHT.


22 August 2019

After rescue from cruelty, moon bear best friends enjoy a sanctuary spa day

Long-term cruelty left moon bear Kim too scared to play, but now she splashes in the pool with her best friends.


21 August 2019

Hugely complicated surgery saves bear’s life after decades of bile extraction

Weeks after rescue from a building site in Vietnam, vets have removed moon bear Solo’s gall bladder, left diseased by repeated bile extraction.