06 March 2020

Vietnam Sanctuary gets ahead of COVID-19 by producing its own hand sanitizer.

The team at the Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre produce their own hand sanitizer from scratch.


05 March 2020

Pet owners urged to keep calm as there is no evidence that companion animals can be the source of human COVID-19 infection.

Recent news reports have suggested that a dog in Hong Kong which has tested ‘weak positive’ for the COVID-19 now has low-level infection and experts unanimously conclude this constitutes human-to-animal transmission. There is however no evidence so far that it is possible for companion animals to infect their human guardians.


04 March 2020

Wildlife under threat due to our eating habits - World Wildlife Day opinion piece

Wild animals and their natural homes have never been under so much pressure in recent times than they face right now. Animals Asia’s Animal Welfare Director Dave Neale looks at some of the causes.


28 February 2020

Bears encouraged to participate in their own veterinary care at Animals Asia's sanctuaries.

Our bear care team do everything they can to make the health care of our bears as painless and playful as possible.


21 February 2020

Cartoon encouraging responsible companion animal guardianship watched over 35,000 times in a day.

A new heartbreaking animated film commissioned by Animals Asia encourages responsible companion animal guardianship in China which has been viewed over 35,000 times in 24 hours.


20 February 2020

#BearInTheWindow pops up all across the world!

What started as a way for Animals Asia’s global teams to show solidarity with their friends and colleagues in China during the CoVid19 coronavirus crisis has become a worldwide social media outpouring. There have been #BearInTheWindow posts appearing from all the corners of the globe from Japan to Scotland, from Italy to Vietnam and the tributes show no sign of stopping.


15 February 2020

Raymond, a bear who lived in peace 15.09.11 - 15.01.20

On Wednesday 15th January, our vet team at the Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre made the difficult decision to end the suffering of our beloved bear friend Raymond. Raymond had been living at the Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre since he was rescued on 15 September 2011 from a bile farm in Nam Dinh province, south of Hanoi along with two other bears, Yulgilbar and Caz.


07 February 2020

Pets at the centre of the coronavirus crisis in Wuhan separated from their families are helped by Animals Asia support

In the city of Wuhan there are an estimated six to eight hundred thousand cats and dogs living as companion animals many of whom have been separated from their families who were unable to return to Wuhan before transport links returning to the city were severed.