07 February 2014

China's Rapidly Growing Animal Welfare Movement

While the problems with animal welfare in China are well documented - less well known are the growing number of activists working to change the situation. Animals Asia founder Jill Robinson profiles the animal welfare movement in China which she describes as: "maturing far faster than it ever did in the west."


06 February 2014

Katie and Mac - moon bears who met through bars

After years in tiny cages in bile farms Katie and Mac were rescued by Animals Asia. They first met each other through bars - now nothing can separate them.


05 February 2014

Zoo keepers taught value of animal welfare

Read how animal welfare standards at zoos across Vietnam and China are improving following Animals Asia enrichment programmes


05 February 2014

Freed bears caught on camera

Peter Yuen is a talented Hong Kong-based photographer specialising in animal welfare, who has repeatedly generously donated his time and expertise to our campaign to end bear bile farming.


29 January 2014

Microsoft joins campaign to end bear bile farming in China

Microsoft has joined the campaign to end bear bile farming with the development of an interactive website Exploring Moon Bears that explains the plight of China’s moon bears and the work of Animals Asia.


28 January 2014

Moon bears find their “voice” on prime time Chinese TV

A TV talent show sensation’s decision to sing about the plight of the moon bears saw the issue of bear bile farming reach a mainstream audience on Friday night, prime time Chinese TV.


27 January 2014

#moonbearmonday: Kevin's having a ball

While other bears are starting to slow down for the winter hibernation period, Kevin seems intent on playing games.