24 July 2015

How the legacy of two Swiss animal lovers is still saving moon bears

Animals Asia is indebted to the Marchig Animal Welfare Trust for its support in our work to rescue bears from the bear bile industry in China and Vietnam.


24 July 2015

Moon bear friends adapt to change as the neighbours move in

It’s all change in House 6 for beautiful moon bear friends Caz and Luna, as their long time ‘neighbours’ Mary and Bibi officially move in.


22 July 2015

Rescued moon bear defies paralysis to forage in the sun

A moon bear rescued by Animals Asia from one of China’s infamous bile farms has amazed her carers by overcoming paralysis to once again walk in the sun.


20 July 2015

Helios – three legs, a big heart and 100% power

A happy moon bear is a playful moon bear. But when does tender hugging turn to playful wrestling? One armed moon bear Helios gives a helpful demonstration with his pal Fynn.


17 July 2015

Sledgehammer slaughter was a wake up call for Vietnam

Animal cruelty has repeatedly made headlines in Vietnam. For the country to take the next step in combatting this issue robust animal welfare laws are required.


16 July 2015

How South Korea manages to “farm” dogs where others have failed - will shock you

China has consistently failed to farm "meat dogs" with the industry relying instead on theft of companion animals. But does South Korea prove that these dogs can be farmed - our founder Jill Robinson says no.


15 July 2015

Building an army of animal welfare educators in China

That’s Animals Asia’s aim as we embark on an ambitious programme to inform and educate young people in partnership with a not-for profit education group called Evergreen.


13 July 2015

Caged side by side for 15 years - these rescued moon bears just met

Recently rescued from a bear bile farm in Vietnam’s Ben Tre province, moon bears Coco and Yogi share a truly special bond.