Recent Blog Posts

Animals Asia's first charity shop

23 aprile 2012, 06:26 |

For the first time, Animals Asia now has a "Charity Emporium" which, as our UK Director Gill Maltby explains, is unlike any charity shop she has ever seen. Thanks to super supporter Denise Jacobs, who has been instrumental in getting the shop off the ground, it has opened to enormous fanfare in Western-Super-Mare.


Jeannette's pilgrimage for the bears

16 aprile 2012, 22:24 |

Many of you may remember that I recently posted a blog about Jeannette Jaussi from Switzerland and her visit to our bear sanctuary in Vietnam. Jeannette is part of VZUT, an amazing support group of Swiss friends in the beautiful city of Bern, who dedicate their lives to helping the bears. They have flea markets, Klausen Sacklies, and even make delicious homemade cakes that are personally delivered by Santa Claus at Christmas!


UK artists leave me 'Moonstruck'

15 aprile 2012, 07:45 |

Little did I know, when first introduced to some new UK supporters during a roadshow event some years ago, that they would turn out to be such generous and magnificent supporters of our work to end bear farming.


'Woofs' needed from UK supporters

02 aprile 2012, 16:52 |

Our UK team is celebrating all things dog at the moment – and with this in mind I'm turning the rest of the blog over to Fiona to explain why!


'Little Dragon' gets a visitor

02 aprile 2012, 01:54 |

It was lovely recently to have on site at our Tam Dao sanctuary Jeremy Higgs, who has helped our Vietnam operations so much over the past few years. Here are a few pics of the day (with Tuan, our Vietnam Director, and vet Kirsty).


'Problems' sorted - on with the job

30 marzo 2012, 07:24 |

So nice to be back after some "problems" that have been affecting our website and blog.


From a wonderful artist in China last week, to a talented photographer and supporter in Germany this week....


My dear friend and mentor – and our UK Patron and Founder of Born Free – Virginia McKenna, has sent an inspiring message to the world about bear farming which I wanted to share. I will never forget our trip together to the hell holes of Vietnam last year where we saw unimaginable suffering to so many farmed bears.


Education is key to bears' future

04 marzo 2012, 07:15 |

We recently had a visit at our Chengdu sanctuary from lovely Swiss supporter Charles Isaac and two friends ?Christina Bernasconi and Matt Schmidt. On his return home, Charles sent a note to sanctuary staff, in which he brings up an important point which I'd like to share with you here. Charles (on the left) also sent these fab photos of his visit.


Chinese artist's beautiful bear film

03 marzo 2012, 21:31 |

Yuan Baolong, an incredible artist in China has created this breathtakingly beautiful story - adding his voice to the millions now calling for bear bile farming to end.


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