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Love is blind!

21 January 2011, 03:01AM |

Our gorgeous blind bear Mityan is sponsored by Bev Hellyer and our support group in Queensland, Australia, where they are now suffering themselves in the floods hitting their region. In a bid to help Bev and our friends there smile I had wandered over to House 8 to grab a picture of their bear and came across the most beautiful scene of Mityan gently playing with Wilfred, also blind, in the grass.


Worth the five-star treatment

18 January 2011, 21:42PM |

I sometimes wonder if we spoil these bears a little too much. A description by China bear manager James in last week's report made me stop ..... and laugh out loud. John, our resident macaque, is clearly enjoying his dining experience in this pic snapped by fellow bear manager Charlie.


Sealed: another cruel deal

18 January 2011, 20:39PM |

This week, HSI (Humane Society International) put out a press release after rallying the support of over 40 groups in China, which we have also joined in deploring the import of seal meat into China. This release follows a trip to Beijing by Canadian Fisheries Minister Gail Shea, who signed a cooperative arrangement with Chinese officials that she said would give Canada’s sealing industry access to the world’s largest consumer market.


We're thinking of you, Queenslanders

11 January 2011, 20:53PM |

To all of those across Queensland, Australia affected by the devastating floods, our hearts go out to you at this terrible time. We pray that the floods recede soon so that those affected can begin to rebuild their homes and lives. Our thanks to the rescue services, as they put themselves on the front line to help so many people in crisis.


Welcome our new cublet in Tam Dao!

09 January 2011, 18:43PM |

With certainly the record for the longest nickname ever given to a newly rescued bear, please welcome "Han Chau - a Cold Lai Chau" to the Animals Asia family in Vietnam.


Welcome our new cublet in Tam Dao!

09 January 2011, 00:00AM |

With certainly the record for the longest nickname ever given to a newly rescued bear, please welcome "Han Chau - a Cold Lai Chau" to the Animals Asia family in Vietnam.


New Year's blessings from Bodo and team!

01 January 2011, 01:35AM |

My family Christmas tradition is to receive and enjoy a wonderful hamper from a friend in Hong Kong, which is always opened in the UK by my niece Nicole (seen here sitting inside the empty hamper with Jasper the cat).
Once the goodies inside have been shared between us, I then bring the empty hamper back to Chengdu to be filled with goodies for the bears for their New Year treat. Last year, we placed the hamper in the enclosure of House 2 where


New Year's blessings from Bodo and team!`

01 January 2011, 01:31AM |

My family Christmas tradition is to receive and enjoy a wonderful hamper from a friend in Hong Kong, which is always opened in the UK by my niece Nicole (seen here sitting inside the empty hamper with Jasper the cat).


George’s Marvellous Medicine

22 December 2010, 04:37AM |

The panto in London last Monday night was just the medicine we needed as everyone here in the UK seems to be battling the snow. Hats off to all who braved the elements and made it to the Bloomsbury Theatre to join Gill, Nicky and the Animals Asia team and I, and of course our glorious UK Patron Virginia Mckenna OBE who reduced everyone to tears at the interval as she read her poem remembering our poignant visit to the bear farms of


Farewell Heather — we will all miss you

22 December 2010, 00:18AM |

The recent story about Tremor joining Judy and family in the UK missed out another very lucky dog — Matilda. Now, as her “mum”, Heather, is sadly leaving us to return to the UK, it seems fitting to mention them both and to say a fond farewell to our Veterinary Director Heather, who for the past three and a half years, has cared for our bears with love and compassion.


Jill's Bio

Jill founded Animals Asia in 1998, after an encounter with a caged bear on a farm in China changed her life forever. She now heads a team of over 300 enthusiastic staff and divides her time between our bear rescue centres in China and Vietnam and our Hong Kong head office. She travels extensively to participate in conferences and speak at fundraising events.

Read more here.