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Please help EARS stop Sambo's suffering

15 November 2011, 12:16PM |

Such a sad story this weekend from Louise Rogerson, Founder of EARS (Elephant Asia Rescue and Survival Foundation). Louise worked for Animals Asia in our UK office several years ago and went on to found EARS in November 2010.


Orange marmalade pancakes anyone?

06 November 2011, 10:28AM |

Some of the notes in the weekly reports from China and Vietnam bear sanctuaries have me in stitches. This week in China they tried some new enrichment food in the form of yummy orange pancakes — and here was one of the results from House 2 as described by Bear Manager Sally:


Race against time for 800 dogs

30 October 2011, 21:25PM |

Just recently and just down the road from our bear sanctuary in Chengdu, rescue centre staff from Qi Meng Shelter and Home of Love intercepted a truckload of around 800 dogs bound for the live-animal markets of the south. Animals Asia staff then began visiting both shelters, which are doing incredible work releasing the dogs from the cages, separating them in terms of gender, injury and disease and working around the clock to save as many lives as possible.


Devoted dogs get their day

25 October 2011, 00:57AM |

What a lovely day it was - celebrating Dr Dog's 20th Anniversary and our four-legged heroes in the community who received their Devotion Awards.


20 years of Dr Dog

15 October 2011, 04:35AM |

This year at Animals Asia, we’re celebrating our 20th anniversary of Dr Dog. The programme is still serving the Hong Hong community through our caring doctors with wet noses.


Dr Dogs helping autistic children

05 October 2011, 10:55AM |

As if we didn't know already about the amazing power of therapy from our Dr Dogs in Hong Kong, it's now been proven in a study that these remarkable canine consultants are helping the social behaviour of children with autism.


Cats and dogs seen as friends, not food

03 October 2011, 18:14PM |

Following on from my last blog, we now have the results of a poll on dog and cat eating that we ran on our World Animal Day China-wide photo contest website (Tencent microblog). While we're guessing that most of the respondents are cat and dog lovers, it's heartening to see a shift in attitudes, particularly among those who had previously eaten dog and cat meat.


Celebrating World Animal Day

27 September 2011, 03:47AM |

Since 2006 we’ve proudly been celebrating World Animal Day in Hong Kong and mainland China — and each year sees a massive growth in the number of people who are passionately relaying the theme that dogs and cats are our friends, not food.


Prince's Friday smile

22 September 2011, 20:53PM |

As a bemused Ki looked on from the top of the climbing frame, Prince played the fool below. This rather, ahem, cumbersome bear lounged around on the swing showing off to his lady friend above, until the rope could stand it no more and broke with a loud snap, sending Prince and the swing sprawling to the ground.


Only mad dogs and Englishmen

13 September 2011, 12:06PM |

Turning the blog over to our UK Director Gill Maltby today, with masses and masses of congratulations for the most amazing feat that she and the team achieved the other weekend in a gruelling - and very wet - mountain trek to the summit of Snowdon.


Jill's Bio

Jill founded Animals Asia in 1998, after an encounter with a caged bear on a farm in China changed her life forever. She now heads a team of over 300 enthusiastic staff and divides her time between our bear rescue centres in China and Vietnam and our Hong Kong head office. She travels extensively to participate in conferences and speak at fundraising events.

Read more here.