Special thanks on a special day
14 February 2014, 11:51AM
This Valentine's Day sees our gorgeous bears absolutely loving their lives in a world without bars. Free of their cages and free of pain, many of our rescued beauties have made life-long friends and - like Mischa and Jarvis at our Vietnam sanctuary - are not shy about showing their affection with a bear-style snuggle.
These lucky bears also have a huge amount of support from people around the world - who spread the message about them and about the sad and desperate bears they've left behind on the farms. In Australia, our fabulous Ambassador, celebrity chef Simon Bryant, is making sure this issue will be well and truly in the public eye by actually locking himself in a cage for the whole of Valentine's Day (which also happens to be his birthday)! Click on the link below to support Simon on this doubly-special day.
And in the USA we have our "Dream Valentine", Richie Kul, appealing for a little love and tenderness for the bears and our four-legged best friends, the cats and dogs of Asia too. Click on the image below to read more about Richie's appeal.
This simple message sends you all "heart" felt thanks and big bear hugs across the miles for all your support and kindness over the years - and for staying with us, especially in what will be some incredible weeks and months ahead... Watch this space as they say, and a very happy Valentine's day to all.
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