Lunar New Year wishes

Just recently we had a special guest along for a Dr Dog visit in Chengdu - UK actor Peter Egan who had come over to see the bears (particularly his namesake, newly rescued Peter bear) but then readily agreed to join us in a trip to see some elderly folk at Xi Shu Rui Yuan community at this very special time of Chinese New Year.

Meeting three of our Dr Dog volunteers and their beautiful canine therapists, our first stop was up a couple of floors and into the little room of Mr Lei Shue Dei who is a sprightly, and very cuddly, 78 years old!

Mr Lei is a master of Chinese paper cutting, and after enjoying a few hugs and games with the dogs, he invited us to go back downstairs to the lobby (where there was more room) in order to teach us how to make the words for "spring" and "Chinese New Year".

Peter was first to finish, and we all proudly showed off our work of art while Mr Lei rather politely laughed and congratulated us on a pretty clumsy, but no less enthusiastic, effort. At one point Peter was delighted to be serenaded by another resident who sang Chinese opera and showed off a loud and tuneful voice.

One of the things we'd just noticed in Mr Lei's room was that had been watching his little TV on a simple wooden chair and we all felt that he could do with something more comfortable to enjoy his relaxation and rest.

A plot was hatched. Back at our bear sanctuary we spoke to all staff asking if everyone would like to contribute just a couple of RMB (a penny/cent or two) in order to surprise Mr Lei with his very own comfy chair. Before we knew it the funds had come in and Suki, Jenny and Saber all swung in to action and kindly found a chair with a foot rest that would be just the job.

Just this past week, with the care centre's permission and help, we all knocked on Mr Lei's door with his Chinese New Year surprise. Unfortunately the chair came flat packed but, luckily for us, one of the Dr Dog volunteers and a centre employee knew exactly what to do and, before long, the comfy chair was made!

The pictures say it all - and although they show Mr Lei trying it out, it's clear that his little body needs some bolstering for extra comfort and, as I write, Suki and team are now arranging a nice plump cushion - and a blanket - so that he is warm and snug for the Spring Festival.

A big thank you to all our kind hearted staff in Chengdu for contributing to such a special surprise for one very sweet elderly gentleman, who showed us such hospitality and talent and another interesting side of Chinese life.

A big thank you to Mr Lei, who made for us this beautiful Chinese New Year poster of good luck wishes.

And of course a very warm and happy Lunar New Year to you from us all at Animals Asia.