Our fabulous fundraisers!

While some friends and supporters have been visiting us in China and Vietnam, others have been helping us from home and putting their hearts and souls into local fundraisers for our Honey Money Days.

As the summer comes to an end, inspiration and passion has surged in the last of the warm days as Diana Trawford and her husband Andrew organised an amazing Caribbean event in Sidmouth in the UK – complete with an authentic Caribbean DJ, reggae music and a limbo dance!

Diana and Andrew put on a great event that was a lot of fun - boosted no doubt by Andrew's secret recipe for rum punch (see him in action here). But they also made sure guests understood why they were there, as they set up an education room with a TV loop of our film “China Bear Rescue – the Beginning”, and display boards all around.

As a vet nurse, Diana has generously volunteered on site in Chengdu three times now and was able to bring her own experiences with the bears into the display pictures to really connect people with the issue and how much everyone can help!

Long-standing supporters, fabulous Chris and Roy from Exmouth also set up an info booth outside – and two local restaurants donated raffle prizes of meals and wine. Thank you Diana and Andrew for being so generous and for giving the bears such a loud and inspirational voice in the UK.

Meanwhile, in Germany, supporters of rescued bears Babo (in China) and Moggy (in Vietnam) Dieter Haeckl (below) and his team from Animals Asia Support Group Babenhausen have been super busy too.

Just last month during the town festival, they set up one of their popular Animals Asia stalls and saw the honey money flowing in as people flocked to their booth to learn more.

Dieter, Gudrun and their team are wonderful ambassadors for the bears and have been active for years as they brave the elements and talk themselves hoarse to spread the word. Here's a pic of lovely Angela Ernst, Claudia Haeckl (Dieter's sister) and Gudrun Haeckl (Dieter's wife).

Thank you all for your voices, passion and sheer hard work, which brings us closer to the ultimate celebration – when bear farming ends.