H'blu's story - An elephant used for tourist rides

In December 2021, Animals Asia teamed up with the Elephant Conservation Centre (ECC) to make a big difference for one special elephant named H’blu. The ECC is a government-supported organisation tasked with the challenge of preventing the extinction of the Asian elephant in Vietnam.

H’blu is a 64-year-old elephant who spent a lot of her life giving rides to tourists. Similar to many others, H'blu was cruelly trained to carry people on her back. Often, calves are taken away from their mothers, and confined to small spaces, trained with violence, until their spirits are broken and they become submissive.

Elephants like H’Blu, forced into a life of giving tourist rides, have little to no choice in how they spend their day. This life, so far removed from their natural behaviours and preferences, causes significant psychological suffering.

Animals Asia’s teams first encountered H’Blu in 2017 and began monitoring her, hoping to change her fate. They tracked and photographed her as she was used for tourist rides, while maintaining dialogue with her owners.

A new life

 After years of discussions and monitoring her situation, we finally received approval in 2021 to secure her freedom. H’Blu got to move to Yok Don National Park, Vietnam’s first, and so far only, ethical elephant project. In the park, she is a part of Vietnam’s first ethical elephant tours, where visitors can learn about these majestic animals without harming or stressing them. H’Blu is now enjoying her elephant retirement in the best way possible, healthy and happy.

eephant in forest

Her name means 'return home' in Vietnamese, which is quite fitting, as she is now enjoying life with other elephants in a safe home and retired from performances and rides.

H’blu’s story is just one among many elephants, thanks to years of campaigning and dialogue by Animals Asia in Vietnam. A milestone was reached in 2021 when Animals Asia signed a historic Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Dak Lak government to permanently end elephant riding tourism. We continue to work with authorities to phase out elephant riding and other forms of entertainment, moving towards ethical practices.

Read more

Animals Asia’s elephant program in Vietnam | Timeline
Animals Asia signs historic agreement to end elephant riding
The truth about elephant riding