Animals Asia has signed an exclusive agreement with the government of Vietnam to end bear bile farming in Vietnam forever and bring the remaining 438 captive bears to sanctuary. Having you on board could make all the difference for these bears. If we want to make real, lasting, positive change, the only cure is kindness.
A message from our founder:
“Thanks for supporting our campaign. Covid-19 has been a wake-up call for change, and our work in Vietnam shows change is entirely possible. We can put an end to the abject disregard for animals that has caused so much suffering, and create a better world. And there is no greater force for good than the power of kindness in action.”
Jill Robinson MBE, Dr med vet hc, Hon LLD Founder and CEO, Animals Asia
Here's how you can help to make Moon Bear Day huge!
- Add an Animals Asia filter to your Facebook profile photo to show everyone you support moon bears!
- Download your #MoonBearDay poster and put a #BearInTheWindow for Moon Bear Day. Don’t forget to share a picture of the poster and tag @AnimalsAsia.
- Buy your #TheOnlyCureIsKindness T-shirt, share a picture of yourself wearing it and tell everyone why you support Animals Asia. Remember to tag @AnimalsAsia and use the hashtag #TheOnlyCureIsKindness.
You’ll be joining supporters from all over the world including quite a few well known faces...
Help us raise funds for the bears!
- You could add a DONATE button to your Facebook posts, asking your followers to donate to Animals Asia. Or you can create a fundraiser to mark Moon Bear Day or another special day, such as a birthday!
- You can donate to our campaign to end bear bile farming in Vietnam for good, bringing 500 bears to sanctuary. You can also help fund their ongoing care with a monthly donation.