Animals Asia is fortunate to have the long-term support of some amazing animal welfare advocacy groups.Read about these dedicated groups who continue to raise awareness about our campaign to end bear bile farming, and support us with generous donations.

If your trust, foundation or volunteer group would like more infomation about our campaigns, please contact your nearest Animals Asia office.

Fussell Family Foundation

The Fussell Family Foundation was established by Louise and Thomas Fussell with the purpose of supporting philanthropic entities and projects, primarily in Australia. We are grateful for their incredible support of our goal to end bear bile farming in Vietnam, and in particular, of our second bear rescue centre in Bach Ma. 

Animal Trust

Read about Animal Trust, Switzerland - a group of dedicated individuals, committed to raising awareness about animal welfare issues and super-supporters of our bears.

The Marchig Animal Welfare Trust

The Marchig Animal Welfare Trust is a friend and supporter of Animals Asia's work. Read more about the Trust here.

Petplan Charitable Trust

Petplan Charitable Trust  was founded in 1994 and has helped over 300 charities to promote the health and welfare of animals in the UK and beyond. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram!